Deadly Class 7 - Love like blood

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Love like blood
Deadly Class 7
€ 16,99


Marcus and Maria have resurfaced, and with them a whole ocean of bad blood crashes on the shores. Shabnam and the Student Council are out to put Marcus and Maria in the grave for good this time, Saya’s maniacal brother Kenji stokes the flames of hatred, and in the shadows of those flames looms Headmaster Lin, waiting to reward whoever is left standing with a place by his side—or a sharp knife in the back. It’s 1989 and the era is drawing to a close, but it’s going to take as many poor bastards with it into oblivion as it can.

Collects DEADLY CLASS #32-35

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Deadly Class
Reeks/Deel: Deadly Class 7
Verschijningsdatum: 2018
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781534306967
Scenarist(en): Remender, Rick
Tekenaar(s): Boyd, Jordan , Craig, Wesley
Genre(s): Thriller, Young Adult
Uitgever: Image Comics

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