Deadly Class 10 - Save your generation

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Save your generation
Deadly Class 10
€ 16,99


A forgotten and misunderstood generation wedged between two monoliths struggles to find their place in a world that is wholly disinterested in them. Year-by-year, as their cynicism is proven the only rational perspective, as the elastic cushion of youth fades, our friends must face a worldwide pandemic made up of the evils that once seemed relegated only to the halls of Kings Dominion.

Collects DEADLY CLASS #45-48

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Deadly Class
Reeks/Deel: Deadly Class 10
Verschijningsdatum: oktober 2021
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781534319325
Scenarist(en): Remender, Rick
Tekenaar(s): Boyd, Jordan , Craig, Wesley
Genre(s): Thriller, Young Adult
Uitgever: Image Comics

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