Uncanny X-Men - Superior 3 - Waking from the dream

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Waking from the dream
Uncanny X-Men - Superior 3
€ 15,99


The most uncanny team of X-Men yet continue to fight for homo superior! But someone is weaponizing mutants and turning them loose on the enemies of mutantkind. How will the X-Men react? Meanwhile, Magneto's uneasy allies discover that the master of magnetism has not been altogether forthcoming about the means he's been employing to protect his race. To find out what exactly he has been up to, the X-Men investigate - and the trail starts at the all-new, all-diff erent Hellfire Club! COLLECTING: Uncanny X-Men 11-15, Annual

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: X-Men (X-Mannen)
Reeks/Deel: Uncanny X-Men - Superior 3
Verschijningsdatum: Week 4, januari 2017
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781302903138
Scenarist(en): Bunn, Cullen
Tekenaar(s): Land, Greg
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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