Justice League - One-Shots - JLA: A League of One

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JLA: A League of One
Justice League - One-Shots
€ 14,95


Written and fully painted by the brilliantly gifted Christopher Moeller, JLA: A League of One is an epic story in which the Justice League is divided against itself in a heartbreaking battle to the death. An ancient, evil dragon awakens from his subterranean slumber once again to menace a world that's forgotten that such monsters of flame and guile ever existed. But the new world of today has its own Round Table of protectors in the form of the JLA.

When Wonder Woman goes to the infallible Amazon oracle and learns that the JLA is destined to die in battle against the dragon, she must make the most difficult decision of her life; embarking on a terrible, unwinnable quest to thwart fate, putting her at odds with those she loves most. In JLA: A League of One, Superman, Batman and the rest of the League learn that while some heroes maybe Wonder Woman's match, none surpass her. JLA: A League of One is a sumptuous visual feast, a rich tapestry of storytelling that is poetic in its soaring beauty.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Justice League, Wonder Woman
Reeks/Deel: Justice League - One-Shots
Verschijningsdatum: 2002
Taal: Engels
Scenarist(en): Moeller, Christopher
Tekenaar(s): Moeller, Christopher
Genre(s): DC Superhelden
Uitgever: DC Comics

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