Thor (1998-2004) - Gods on Earth

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Gods on Earth
Thor (1998-2004)
€ 29,99


After Odin's death, the power and throne of Asgard were inherited by his son--Thor. For years, he lived on Earth as protector, champion and Avenger. having lived a mortal's life, Earth's well-being was of paramount importance to Thor. But his ascension interfered with that mission. Asgard's interests forced him to ignore Earth. So using a power only the greatest of gods might possess, Asgard's liege transported Asgard to Earth. There does the conflict begin...

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Thor
Reeks/Deel: Thor (1998-2004)
Verschijningsdatum: 2011
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9780785150886
Scenarist(en): Grell, Mike , Johns, Geoff , Jurgens, Dan
Tekenaar(s): Bennett, Joe , Davis, Alan , Raney, Tom
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

In deze reeks

Gods & Men
Lord of Asgard

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