Septem 1 - Issue #1 (ENG)

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Issue #1 (ENG)
Septem 1
Issue (cover A)
€ 5,99

Uitgave omschrijving

22 pages, printed full colour on US format 17 x 26 cm (6,7 inch x 10,2 inch)


Originally published in 2023 via crowdfinding, now also available in stores.

Septem is a story about Sev, a boy, who is bored and not really happy in life. He escapes everyday life by reading a lot of comics. Despite presenting himself online as a happy camper, in real life he is depressed and avoiding his friends. He is making money by working in a restaurant kitchen, but he does the bare minimum. Seemingly living a boring life, one day a mysterious event occurs, which reveals that his life choices are more impactful than expected.

7 songs were made representing the 7 sins.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Septem
Reeks/Deel: Septem 1
Verschijningsdatum: Week 14, april 2024
Taal: Engels
Scenarist(en): Kikker, Andre
Tekenaar(s): Eka, Dody
Uitgever: Reboot Comics

In deze reeks

1. Issue #1 (NL)

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