School for Good and Evil, the - The Ever Never Handbook

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The Ever Never Handbook
School for Good and Evil, the
€ 12,99


Every four years, two Reader children are kidnapped and brought to the School for Good and Evil to be trained for a life in a fairy tale. There, Evers and Nevers take courses in Animal Communication and Uglification, among others. The highest ranked students become the heroes and villains of the fairy tales — while the lowest, well, we don’t want to talk about what becomes of them.

This handbook contains the scoop students need in order to get to the top of their class — the fairy tales you need to know, the myths it’s dangerous not to know, spells you won’t live without, Who’s Who and What’s What, and much more. And of course, it’s all in glorious color because in the School for Good and Evil, nothing is black and white.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: School for Good and Evil, the
Reeks/Deel: School for Good and Evil, the
Verschijningsdatum: 2022
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9780062423061
Scenarist(en): Chainani, Soman
Tekenaar(s): Blank, Michael
Genre(s): Fantasy, Young Adult
Uitgever: Harper Collins

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