Ideal Sponger Life, the 3 - Volume 3

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Volume 3
Ideal Sponger Life, the 3
€ 12,99


When he chose to leave Earth and marry Queen Aura, Zenjiro learned that his blood carried an otherworldly ancestry... but it turns out his family tree had more secrets than anyone imagined. The children he and Aura hope to have together could upend the world's peaceful order, bearing powers no one expected. It'll take all of Aura's cunning to navigate intrigue between kingdoms, even while Zenjiro prepares for the possibility of a new addition to their royal family.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Ideal Sponger Life, the
Reeks/Deel: Ideal Sponger Life, the 3
Verschijningsdatum: Week 38, september 2019
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781642756968
Scenarist(en): Watanabe, Tsunehiko
Tekenaar(s): Ayakura, Jyuu , Hinotsuki, Neko
Genre(s): Seinen, Young Adult
Uitgever: Seven Seas Entertainment

In deze reeks

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4. Volume 4
5. volume 5
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7. volume 7
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9. volume 9
10. volume 10

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