Emily the Strange - The 13th Hour

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The 13th Hour
Emily the Strange


We all know Emily the Strange is the world´s weirdest thirteen-year-old, but do you have any idea how that cameto be? Would you believe that Emily wasn´t always the curious and confident stranger we know today?

For any girl, a thirteenth birthday is a big deal, and that's doubly true for Emily. Emily doesn't know it yet, but a surprise gift from a long-lost aunt is more than just a family heirloom - it also holds the key to unlocking the mystery of her lineage and the secrets of her fate!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Emily the Strange
Reeks/Deel: Emily the Strange
Verschijningsdatum: 2011
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781595827005
Scenarist(en): Reger, Rob
Tekenaar(s): Parker, Buzz
Genre(s): Fantasy, Young Adult
Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics

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