Shorn of his last vestiges of goodness, the djinn Boo is now pure, undiluted evil! With a single wave of his hand he kills six billion people, leaving only the heroes in Kami-sama's sky palace alive...but for how long? Inside the palace, Goten and Trunks merge into Gotenks, the only being in the world who might match Boo in raw power. But luckily there's more than one world. On a faraway planet, Gohan and Goku are preparing for their turn to save the devastated earth before the planet itself is blown away!
• | 11. | DBZ Volume 11 |
• | 12. | DBZ Volume 12 |
• | 13. | DBZ Volume 13 |
• | 14. | DBZ Volume 14 |
• | 15. | DBZ Volume 15 |
• | 16. | DBZ Volume 16 |
• | 21. | DBZ Volume 21 |
• | 22. | DBZ Volume 22 |
• | 23. | DBZ Volume 23 |
• | 24. | DBZ Volume 24 |
• | 26. | DBZ Volume 26 |
Wij bieden je de mogelijkheid om op de hoogte gehouden te worden bij het verschijnen van nieuwe, of door je gezocht uitgaven. Je dient hiervoor ingelogd te zijn.