Lovesick Ellie 2 - Volume 2

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Volume 2
Lovesick Ellie 2
€ 12,50


Eriko Ichimura spends her high school days in complete obscurity. As if that weren’t enough, popular boy Akira Ohmi has discovered her Twitter account, “Lovesick Ellie,” which is filled to the brim with thirsty tweets—including fantasies about him. The two-faced Ohmi finds Ellie’s perverse and wild fantasies funny and interesting, eventually inviting her to a date at the local festival—but they miss the last bus home. What is a pervy girl going to do when she has the ultimate opportunity land before her? Will they or won’t they?!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Lovesick Ellie
Reeks/Deel: Lovesick Ellie 2
Verschijningsdatum: 2022
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781646513185
Scenarist(en): Fujimomo
Tekenaar(s): Fujimomo
Genre(s): Humor, Romantiek, Shoujo/shojo, Young Adult
Uitgever: Kodansha Comics

In deze reeks

1. Volume 1
5. Volume 5
6. Volume 6
7. Volume 7
10. Volume 10
11. Volume 11

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