Local - Local

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From Brian Wood (DEMO, DMZ, NORTHLANDERS) and Ryan Kelly (LUCIFER, AMERICA VIRGIN) comes Local, a collection of twelve interconnected short stories. Crossing genres as it crosses the country, LOCAL examines Megan McKeenan, a young woman who sets off from Portland, OR with nothing but a backpack and a bad case of wanderlust. Each emotional vignette is a self-contained story that represents one year in the life of this young vagabond as she struggles to find a place to call home, both physically and spiritually.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Local
Reeks/Deel: Local
Verschijningsdatum: 2013
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781934964002
Scenarist(en): Wood, Brian
Tekenaar(s): Kelly, Ryan
Genre(s): Slice of life / dagelijks leven, Young Adult
Uitgever: Oni Press

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