Like a Butterfly 2 - Volume 2

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Volume 2
Like a Butterfly 2
€ 11,99


Would you rather wait for love like a flower, or fly toward love like a butterfly?

Suiren Shibazeki is often compared to a beautiful flower—but one that grows on the tallest peak of a mountain, forever out of reach. When Suiren develops feelings for the quiet Taichi Kawasumi, however, she doesn’t want to be a distant flower. She’d rather leave her lofty perch and fly toward him like a butterfly.

Suiren has finally realized how much she likes Kawasumi. All she wants is to tell him how she feels, but every time she tries, the words won’t come out. Summer vacation is right around the corner, though, and Koharu Shinkawa, an upperclassman, already has a plan to win Kawasumi’s heart before school starts again. Will Suiren be able to find the words to invite Kawasumi to the Fireworks Festival before it’s too late?

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Like a Butterfly
Reeks/Deel: Like a Butterfly 2
Verschijningsdatum: Week 37, september 2023
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781974740451
Scenarist(en): Morishita, Suu
Tekenaar(s): Morishita, Suu
Genre(s): Romantiek, Shoujo/shojo, Slice of life / dagelijks leven, Tienerstrip
Uitgever: Viz Media

In deze reeks

1. Volume 1
3. Volume 3
4. Volume 4
5. Volume 5
6. Volume 6

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