Land of the Lustrous 5 - Shadow of a doubt

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Shadow of a doubt
Land of the Lustrous 5
€ 12,99


An elegant new action manga for fans of Sailor Moon and the litany of comics and animation that it inspired, Land of the Lustrous is set in a far future Earth, where humanity's distant descendants live on in a small group of sexless crystalline beings who must fight off an invasion from the Moon.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Land of the Lustrous
Reeks/Deel: Land of the Lustrous 5
Verschijningsdatum: maart 2018
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781632366351
Scenarist(en): Ichikawa, Haruko
Tekenaar(s): Ichikawa, Haruko
Genre(s): Fantasy, LGBTQ+
Uitgever: Kodansha Comics

In deze reeks

1. Searching for purpose
2. Under the Sea
3. The lonely winter
4. Volume 4
6. Give up the Ghost
8. Volume 8
9. Broken
10. Failure
12. Volume 12

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