Fire Force 27 - Volume 27

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Volume 27
Fire Force 27
€ 11,99


While investigating the mysteries of the Kusakabe family with Arrow, Shô makes an Adolla Link and encounters his mother, Mari, who has become an Infernal. What conclusions will Shô draw after learning the truth about his birth?
Meanwhile, an eighth pillar appears off the coast of Tama Bay. As the Empire despairs, the enormous figure of Raffles I descends upon the earth. The people fear divine retribution as Faerie blocks Shinra’s path. It’s time for Shinra to show what a hero can do!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Fire Force
Reeks/Deel: Fire Force 27
Verschijningsdatum: Week 27, juli 2022
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781646514205
Scenarist(en): Ohkubo, Atsushi
Tekenaar(s): Ohkubo, Atsushi
Genre(s): Actie
Uitgever: Kodansha Comics

In deze reeks

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16. Volume 16
17. Volume 17
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19. Volume 19
20. Volume 20
21. Volume 21
22. Volume 22
23. Volume 23
24. Volume 24
25. Volume 25
26. Volume 26
28. Volume 28 - the ultimate showdown
29. Volume 29
30. Volume 30
31. Volume 31
32. Volume 32
33. Volume 33
34. Volume 34

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