Blue Period 6 - Volume 6

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Volume 6
Blue Period 6
€ 13,99


Yatora studies hard and gets good grades, and he parties hard, staying out late drinking and watching soccer with his friends. He checks all the boxes he needs to be the perfect high school student. But it all starts to feel empty, and he begins to wonder what part of his life expresses who he is or even if he has a unique voice at all.
Then he wanders into the art room one day, and a lone painting captures his eye, awakening him to a kind of beauty he never knew. Compelled and consumed, he dives in headfirst--and he's about to learn how savage, unforgiving, and exhilirating creating art can be!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Blue Period
Reeks/Deel: Blue Period 6
Verschijningsdatum: Week 12, maart 2022
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781646511280
Scenarist(en): Yamaguchi, Tsubasa
Tekenaar(s): Yamaguchi, Tsubasa
Genre(s): Roman, Young Adult
Uitgever: Kodansha Comics

In deze reeks

1. Volume 1
2. Volume 2
3. Volume 3
4. Volume 4
5. Volume 5
7. Volume 7
8. Volume 8
9. Volume 9
10. Volume 10
11. Volume 11
12. Volume 12
13. Volume 13
14. Volume 14

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