Black Cat & the Vampire, the 2 - Volume 2

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Volume 2
Black Cat & the Vampire, the 2
€ 16,99


Studious Yuki Hasegawa found himself pursued by the unbearably popular Jean Michele and embroiled in a potentially deadly search for a monster hiding among the students of Blanc College boarding school. When Jean accidentally bites Yuki after their school dance, Yuki is forced to come to terms with the idea that vampires are real and Blanc College is full of them. When Jean explains the cruel power of a human's love, Yuki wonders if the only way to keep vampires from feeling that cursed urge to drink blood if for humans not love them. Will Yuki be able to stop his budding feelings for Jean now that he knows what fate awaits them...?

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Black Cat & the Vampire, the
Reeks/Deel: Black Cat & the Vampire, the 2
Verschijningsdatum: Week 7, februari 2024
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781427874245
Scenarist(en): Taino, Nikke
Tekenaar(s): Taino, Nikke
Genre(s): Fantasy, Supernatural, Yaoi
Uitgever: Tokyopop

In deze reeks

1. Volume 1

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