Anyway, I'm Falling In Love With You. 2 - Volume 2

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Volume 2
Anyway, I'm Falling In Love With You. 2
€ 14,99


An irresistible shojo manga offering an all-you-can-eat-buffet of high school drama, adolescent crushes, and childhood nostalgia. Guaranteed to delight fans of popular romance comics like Komi Can’t Communicate and Skip and Loafer.

Mizuha's seventeenth birthday is the pits. Her parents totally forgot, and the sempai she likes isn't interested in her. But when her longtime childhood friend asks her out, Mizuha has to sort out what this change could mean. And her feelings may not be the only ones changing...!

Adding to the challenge is a global pandemic, upending the hopes and joys of high school life. But romance is resilient, and crushes and confessions flourish among Mizuha's friends. A brand-new school love story from the author of I Fell in Love After School!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Anyway, I'm Falling In Love With You.
Reeks/Deel: Anyway, I'm Falling In Love With You. 2
Verschijningsdatum: Week 19, mei 2024
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9798888771167
Scenarist(en): Mitsui, Haruka
Tekenaar(s): Mitsui, Haruka
Genre(s): Romantiek, Young Adult
Uitgever: Kodansha Comics

In deze reeks

1. Volume 1

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